Notes (TRPL 05/21): Using Structs to Struture Related Data

5 Using Structs to Structure Related Data

see src/

5.1 Defining and Instantiating Structs

The text is right, field init shorthand is convenient.

Tuple Structs without Named Fields to Create Different Types

Okay so tuple structs give us labeled product types, do we have sum types?

Ownership of Struct Data

Very curious to see what all these references to lifetimes are about.

5.2 An Example Program Using Structs

see src/

BTW, to easily use cargo run to build an run multiple binaries, add the following section to Cargo.toml:

name = "main"
path = "src/"

name = "main2"
path = "src/"

I wonder why the third area function uses a &Rectangle argument instead of just a Rectangle.

I really like that we have separate traits for Debug and Display, in Haskell I feel like it’s easy to overload Show.

5.3 Method Syntax

Methods are just functions that live inside structs. Or in other words they’re functions associated with Struct S with the type signature method :: S -> a or fn method(&self) -> <T>.

The distinction between a function from a struct versus a method of that struct is that the method can be used with method syntax.

Okay, so my question as to why we’re borrowing with &Rectangle is because of ownership. If we did:

fn main() {
  let rect1 = Rectangle { width: 30, height: 50 };

  let foo = take_ownership(rect1);

    "The area of the rectangle is {} square pixels.",

fn take_ownership(rect: Rectangle) -> () {
  return ()

We get a compiler error, because rect1 gets moved into take_ownership and thus it gets freed when take_ownership returns.

So I guess methods are broader than just functions with type method :: S -> a, because they can also side effect on what values are in scope afterwards.

Associated Functions

Okay, so the :: operator is how we get some namespace management. I wonder what this implies about the relationship between structs and modules though.